Calm, Unmovable, Unshakable, Steady, The Lord of all the mankind
Calm, Unmovable, Unshakable, Steady, The Lord of all the mankind
Excellent, The best, Old-fashioned, customary, outmoded, cultural.
Truth, Morality, Justice, Good behavior, Truth, justice, good behaviour
Name of An ancient king, An Indian mythological king
Born on christmas
Blue, With blue eyes, The one who has bluish eyes.
Pure, Brilliant, Clean, The one who dwells in the north side farm house.
Dow eyed, The ocean which gives extreme beauty.
Beautiful, Gorgeous or pretty or stunning or good looking.
Rises of world, The rise of the new era
Nature, Handsome and fine looking person.
Lord Nagaraja, The monarch of the serpents.
New, The highly beautiful or attractive girl
Brilliant like a Pearl, An un-adultered pearl
Home, Lord of all, Residence
Modesty, Humbleness, nobleness
Something drawn or sketched
Joyful, A flute, Prosperous, Son, A Joyful person, who is happy
Nirvana, The freedom form life, Moksha
New, A new person who is eternal fresh
Bowed down, Modest, To bow in a humble greeting, Worshipper, So humble that he bestow in front of others
Misty, The God's Angel
Earth, Victorious, Unconquerable
Payal, Anklet, The one who wears the anklet around her ankle.
Dew drops, Bunches of star, Nebula, The collection of dew droplets.
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Lord Vishnu, Never-ending, that never ends
Lord Krishna, Dancing Lord, One of the main Gods, God Krishna.
Mark, A sign or a mark
Light, The shining of the light.
Blue eyed, The one who has blue kind of eyes.
Lord of treasure, Lord Ganesh giver of wealth, Lord Ganesha, the one who provides treasures.
Treasure, Wealth, Receptacle, Money, paragon, money, ideal.
Giver of wealth & treasures, Kuber, Presenter of fortune materials
Lord Shiva, A kind of croton plant, Pot like, Name of An attendant of Shiva, Name of one of skands attendant, A form of Ganapati, The strength of the Moon.
Blue, Enchanting Moon, The indigo plant, Bluish shaded color.
Lotus flower, Zarnu, Pure, Another name for Goddess Lakshmi, Name of a sanskrit flower, Lotus
By the ash tree, An adventurer, The one who is quiet and calm.
Nine treasures, One who is blessed with nine treasures, The one who has nine kind of treasures.
Pandavas royal Prince, The much dearest person.
Goddess Lakshmi, Without anger
Champion, Cloud, Passionate, Crow, Talktive person, Blue, Indigo, Sapphire, Treasure, A mountain, Zealous, adoring, zealous, fervent.
God of law, One well versed in law, Follower of the correct way, Master of the right path, The Lord of ethics and morality
Midnight, Night, Sharp, Invigorated, Prepared, Iron, Steel, Midnight, peaceful time
Master of the law, Master of the right path, Principle, Judge, The right path or the moral values
Amrit or nectar or pure water, Part of God, Water, Juice, Liquor, Unpolluted water or clean water or sugary.
Male, Hero, Husband, Another name for brahman
Truth, Morality, Justice, Good behavior, Policy, Code, Conduct, The one who is reliable and upright.
Pupil of the eye
Seshnag, Cosmic serpent, Owner of serpent, The ruler of all kind of serpents.
Blue, One with blue eyes
Little gift, End less
Superior, Unparalleled, Unique, Best, Who hails from the northern region
Similar, Resembling, Not unlike, comparable, alike, switch off
Humble, Jackal or hyena, Bowing, Worshipper, One who bestow in humbleness
Naya, New, Nootan, The fresh an d precious one
Lotus flower, Zarnu, Pure, Another name for Goddess Lakshmi, The lotus bud or lotus blossom.
Tune, New rule, The new King or the fresh Monarch
Lotus flower, Zarnu, Pure, Another name for Goddess Lakshmi
Principled, Moral person, Virtuous
Small, Intelligent and cautious
Lord Krishna, Leader, The leader or the soldier
Gift from God, Rewarded, Given, Giving, Desire, Protector, Lord, Another name for Krishna
Expert, Proficient, Benevolent, Talented, Clever, Perfect, One of the colors , Green.
Sapphire, Blue stone, Precious stone, The one has dark blue color eyes.
Ardhanareeshwar, Goddess of justice, Name of a Goddess
An incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Lion among men, The Sun, who gives powerful light to whole world.
Observer, Unique, Anticipation, Hope, Remarkable, widely known, popular.
Happy, Pleasing, Delighted, One who is at ease and joyous
New light, The fresh radiance of a person
Clean, Virtuous, Pure
Lord of all, The master of the world.
By the ash tree, An adventurer, The one who leads the country.
One of Lord vishnus name
A holy cow, Bestowed of Joy, In Hindu mythology, The name refers to Goddess Ganga and Goddess durga.nandini also means adhishakti, Daughter, Happy, Pleasing, The Goddess of Luck. Goddess Laxmi
Unseen, Expectation, Hope, Unique, Anticipation
Quiet, Calm, Without sound, Silent, The person who is very calm and peaceful.
The horizon, Appearance, Touchstone, Distance, skyline, possibility, perspective.
Daughter, Goddess Durga, Great achiever, Happiness, Son of Lord Shiva, Young Man, Wealth, An Apsara or celestial nymph
Night, Women, Dream
Blue, Enchanting Moon, The indigo plant, Who is like Yaweh
Well-behaved, Guided, Modest, Moral, Carried, Red, Morality, A well-behaved person
Dasaratha, Another name of dashratha, Father of Lord Rama), The father of Lord Rama.
Bowed down, Modest, Polite, Venerable, Night
Necessity, Restriction, The fixed order of things, Destiny, Fate
An offering make to God
Amrit or nectar or pure water, Part of God, Water, Juice, Liquor, Alive, lifetime, survival, income, path of life.
Constant, Eternal, Goddess Parvati, Ever present
Dew drops, Bunches of star, Nebula, Misty, The milky way, The one who has nice and good looking.
A bower, The sweet smelling cologne.
Goddess Lakshmi, A small water jar, A joyous, Happy woman, A Girl who is very happy. Goddess Laxmi
Lotus flower, Pure, Free from attachment, The one who was born in water or lake.
A house, A habitation, A place to Stay, Refuge, House, Household or manor or residence or home-grown or grange.
Heavenly body, A star, Pearl, The deity form or figure of the stars.
Midnight, Night, Sharp, Invigorated, Prepared, Iron, Steel, Time of peaceful midnight
Inside viewer, Wink, Transient, One who can read others mind
New, A pleasant or beautiful person