Poet, Saint, A poet or a saint, also Lord Vishnu
Poet, Saint, A poet or a saint, also Lord Vishnu
Brave who remembers the Lord, the bold one who think of the Lord.
Happy, Satisfied, A happy person without sorrow
Lord Shiva, Best among the snakes, A white snake, Name of An ancient buddhist teacher of the rank bodhisattva, The champion among the snakes.
Without blemish, Pure, The one who is faultless, innocent, guiltless and righteous.
Snake Goddess, Supernatural snake or deity serpent.
A lady with beautiful eyes
Vanquisher of all evils & vices & sins, Defeater or overcomer of all demon or evil powers and authorities.
Sister of nanaka, Guru nanak's sister's name
Leader of men, One who leads the mankind
Blue lotus, Holy blue color lotus flower.
The third eye of Lord Shiva
Belonging to one, Striving for the absolute
Goddess Durga, She who cannot be attained by confused people, The one who is without nervousness, tension and distress.
Calm, Father of Seetha devi.
Precious, Obviously contrived to charm.
Light, The ever new light, New lamp, The sweet smell of a pack of fundip mixed with a new flame, The lamp who will be fresh forever
Night, The night, dark time
Brave person, The brave man
Narendra means king, God of men naran=humans, Men indiran=god, King, The Emperor of men
Giver of wealth & treasures, Kuber, Another name of Lord Kuber.
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God of drama Lord Shiva, The king of drama.
Mist, Fog, Dew, Covering with morning dew drops.
Daughter of wisdom, The one from the Niger river
Young or worth praising
Blue Sky, God of Sky, One who resembles the blue heaven
Full Moon
Victorious people, The winning person on behalf of people.
With no shape (God), The one who is without an image or invisible to human eyes.
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Love, Rain
Goddess Parvati, Almost perfect, A female that turns into a large snake
Fresh butter, Gentle, Soft, Always new, The eternally new
Lord of all, The God of pearls
New, Fresh
Goddess Durga, Without passion, Unattached
Home, A place to live, where humans live
Unique, Calm, The person who has balance and control mind under distress.
The skys color, The one who is winning the competition.
King of the serpents, King of cobras, One who possess snakes
Humble, Jackal or hyena, Bowing, Worshipper
Champion, Cloud, Passionate, Crow, Talktive person, Blue, Indigo, Sapphire, Treasure, A mountain, A born champion and one from the cloud
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Bagvan ka Prasad
Top of the blue mountain, The top or peak or uppermost part of the blue hills.
Love of the inseparable creator
Goddess Parvati, An epithet of the consort of Nakul (Shiva)
Fresh butter, Gentle, Soft, Always new, New and fresh to the eternity
Respect, Pray, Pleading or praying to God in a acceptable way.
Flowing, Another name for the river Ganges, Covered, Ecosphere, domain, ecosphere, universe.
Very dedicated, Sharp, Alert, Fast
Destiny, A known quantity, Understood
From the word of Nishkarsh
Vedic text, Teaching, Town, Victory, The numerous collection of precious properties.
Utmost humility see more, The most humble or a modest person
Without anger, Cairn
Epitome of hotness, Personification of warmth or temperature.
Home, The home, where people live
Separation from world
One in proximity of the heavenly God, Very idealistic nature, The one who is closer to God.
No end, No end or limitless
Cloud, Given by water, The collection of water droplets.
Indian saint, Devotee of Narayan, The person who reduces the intensity and calms pacifies. Consoler.
King of kings, Emperor, The lord of the kings of men
Defender or titleholder or champ or winner
Vedic hymns
Passing clouds
Blue color of the sky.
Lord Shiva nandishwar, The Lord of Nandi, Lord Shiva
Friend of fire, Sparkling eyes, A friend of fire who has sparkling eyes
Momentary, Twinkling of eye
Ardhanareeshwar, Goddess of justice, Name of a Goddess
Pleasing, Celebrating, Delightful, Krishnas sword, The cherish nature
Lord of eyes, The God with the beautiful eyes
Snakes diamond, The precious diamond of the serpents.
Young or worth praising
Lord Vishnu, Refuge of Man, Where all living species take final rest
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Princess, Same born on Christ's birthday.
Hero, The magnificent marine.
Beautiful like Pearl
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Central, Middle, centre, mid, equal distance from both sides.
Beautiful, Eternal one who reaches the eternity
Fearless, The person who is oblivious of dangers.
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Honest, Night
One who has serpents as ornaments
Soft, An equal distant from the extremes.
Master of justice
Pure, Clean, Spotless, Without blemish