Full of mercy, A merciful person
One of the kauravas
Bright Moon, A bright and lustrous being
One who has mercy for poor, Kind to the poor, A merciful being, those who care for the poor
Kindness, A kind and generous individual
Person of mercy, Saint, A Saint, full of mercy
Row of lamps
Son, Inheritor, Son, Inheritor, Descendant, Heir, Offspring, Successor
Merciful Lord Shiva, Name of lord Shiva, one who is sea of mercy
Fully lighted, Most beautiful and fully lighted
The Sun, Lord of light, Sun, lord of light and brightness
Part of light, A part of light coming from a lamp
Evening time
A winning lamp flame, elegant
Kindness, Goddess, Mercy, Favour, Compassion
One who helps other people, organized
Every lighting in our face, King of the solar race, Defender, Protector, Big-hearted, A generous king, Light falling in the face, protector
A small indication one that forms in the cheeks when one smiles
Lord of the poor, Protector
Light, Lamp
Kind, Merciful
Kind hearted, A kind hearted and affectionate person
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Row of lamps
Initiated, Consecrated, Prepared
Row of lamps, A row of light, decoration
Goddess of kindness, A Goddess of mercy
Lord of lights, Ray of light coming from heaven
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Silk, One who is as soft as a silk
Lustrous, One who is lustrous and very famous
Shining, Goddess Lakshmi
Lustrous, A happy and persistent being, clean light
Merciful Lord Shiva, Compassionate, Compassionate, Merciful, Kind, Generous, Charitable
Beam of light, A bright beam of light
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A Raagini which is a hybrid of Deepak
Lamp, Kindle, Radiant, A kindle and radiant being
Flame, Light, Shinning
Flame, Lamp, One who is filled with soothing rays of light
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One who lights lamps, Light, Brightness, Flame, A jewel of magnificient light
Illuminated, An illuminated and glowing person
The light of the lamp
Evening time
Protector of the downtrodden, One who is friends with the poor
Lord of the poor, Protector, Lord who protects the poor, head
Illuminating, One who lights lamp
Lustrous, A lustrous and efficient human being
Rhyming variant of waylon - a historical blacksmith with supernatural powers, Compassionate, Merciful, Kind, Generous, Charitable
Ocean of compassionate, One who has compassion and is sea of mercy
Beloved, A beloved and caring being
Embodiment of kindness
Friend of the poor, A brother of poor people
A beam of light
Merciful Lord Shiva, Compassionate, Name of Lord Shiva, a merciful person
Lord of the lamp, Name of poet, A servant of light who always wins
Defender of the oppressed
Direction, One who shows ways to others
Extremely kind, Sea of mercy, The one who is filled with an ocean of mercy
Lamp, Kindle, A variant of name Deepak
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Bright Moon, The Moon, Love of the light, bright Moon
Lighted, Inflamed, Passionate, Made visible, A lighted being, born of the Sun
Kind hearted, A compassionate being
One who likes being merciful, A king, One who is filled with compassionate joy
The light of the lamp
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Brightness, A part of an earthen Lamp, Flame of a Diya
Masterful teacher, A very efficient teacher
Treasure house of mercy, A treasure house of grace and mercy
Slayer of dooshanatrishira
The Sun, Name of Lord Surya, happy and shining
Lighting up, Brilliant, Invigorating, Passion, One who lights lamps, One who gets lighted up, exciting
One of many names of Lord Shiva
Silk, Eye of a mistress, Silk, a soft hearted individual
Lord Vishnu, Name of Lord Vishnu, caring
Goddess Lakshmi, Name of several plants with bright red flowers, Shining, Person who spreads light, Laxmi
Light, Charm full girl, Light, Brightness, Shining, Radiant, Luminant
Focused, Once who knows direction
Treasure house of mercy, A compassionate person who is a treasure house of mercy
Bright eyes like a lamp, One with bright eyes, One who brings happiness in others life
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A part of light, brightness coming from Sun
One who likes being merciful, A king, Compassionate Joy, Name of a King, One who likes being merciful, One who takes joy in showing kindness and being merciful
Patience, Consolation, Idealistic one, one who has lot of patience
Compassionate, Compassionate, Merciful, Kind, Generous, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Divine power, One who has divine powers, blessing
Initiation, Consecration
Lights of diwali, One which is lit by a lamp
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Blessing, Eye of God, Resembling a Goddess, Blessing, One who resembles God and has beautiful eyes
Flame, Lamp, An everlasting flame of light
The light of the lamp, Light of lamp, efficient
Sweet girl, Variant of donald great chief, A divine, great person, chief
Flame or luster or glow or shine, Brightness, Brilliance, Beauty (She is the wife of Sekhar)