Flame, Lamp
Flame, Lamp
Kindness, Goddess, Mercy, Favour, Compassion, Bird of prey, a compassionate person
A name of Goddess Lakshmi, Answer of prayers, Another name for Lakshmi, Name of Goddess Laxmi, fortunate
Collection of lamps, Row of lamps, A electromagnetic person, filled with light
A lamp, Brilliance, Beautiful, light, Light, a generous and unusual being
A small lamp, Light
Prepared, Initiated
A lamp, Brilliant, That which blazes, Radiant ray of light, Goddess Laxmi
Suns particle, Similar to Diwakar - suns Ansh
Answer of prayers, Another name for Lakshmi
Divine, Grand, Vindicated, A divine valley, decoration
Flame or luster or glow or shine, Brightness, Brilliance, Beauty, A glowing and brilliant light
Offering, Gift
A donation made to God
Initiation, Prepared
Dee means Goddess Durga her means Shiv, Strength of Lord Shiva, One who has strength of Durga and Shiva
Initiation, Prepared, Concentration, one who shows direction
Prepared, Initiated, One who is business minded and analytical
Initiation, Sacrifice, Preparation for ceremony, One who is filled with happy feelings
Answer of prayers, Another name for Lakshmi, Goddess Laxmi has answered the prayers