Golden creeper, One who is like a Golden Creeper or Golden Vine
Golden creeper, One who is like a Golden Creeper or Golden Vine
Brave as God, Warrior of God, Brave Defendant for the Lord, One who is victorious over destruction, A variant of Harvir
God of heaven, God of Heaven, A Tree, A variant spelling is Harwinder
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Golden creeper, Golden wine, One who is like a Golden Creeper or Golden Vine
Home ruler, Ruler of An enclosure, house owner, lord of the manor
Love of God
The Moon, The Moon
Given by God, Given by god
Gives Love, Give love
Mehndi, Fragrance, Politeness, Someone who is polite, Gracious
Distribute Love, Well wisher, Distribute Love
Gold, Golden, Wealth
Brave as God, Warrior of God, Brave Defendant for the Lord, One who is victorious over destruction, A variant of Harveer
Rays of God, Rays of God, Radiance and Luminance of Lord Vishnu, Brightness of Lord Vishnu
Girl with golden body, One who is blessed with a golden beautiful body
God of heaven, God of Heaven, A Tree, A variant spelling is Harvinder
Lord of the earth, Lord
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One of the four Vedas, Blessing
Goddess Saraswati, Luckiest girl
Goddess Saraswati
Golden, Dew Drop
Noble sort, of noble birth
Goddess Parvati, Made of gold, As precious as gold, Epithet of Parvati, One of many names of Goddess Parvathi
Gold or Lord Buddha, Early winter, Ritu, Season
Lustrous splendor of God, Has to do with happiness, Delightful, Cheerful, Happy, Joyful, Delighted, A variant spelling of Harshan
Golden bodied
Crown, Crown, royal and compassionate
One with golden body, One who is blessed with a golden beautiful body
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Mothers beloved son, Boastful, Name of Ganapati, Boastful, Proudly
Joyous, A joyful Boy
Hemaansh = a part of gold
Hope, Moonlight, Name of the goddess of the underworld.
Foamy, Bubbly love with all
An erudite, Respected and calm person, Calm and respected person
One with shining body, One with Shining Body
Golden eyed, One who has golden eyes, Beautiful Radiant Golden Eyes
Diamond, Queen of gods, An Exalted Person, Diamond-Like
Ice, Cold like ice, Golden skinned, To Bring Wealth
Diamond, Queen of gods, Queen of heaven, Protectress
Existence of Love, Existence of Love
Girl with golden body, One who is blessed with a golden beautiful body
Gold or Lord Buddha, Early winter, An early winter that is the most beautiful season of the entire year
Lord Shiva, Lord Krishna, The person who feels that what he is doing is actually gods wish, Lord Krishna
Powerful, Power, Diamond, Darkness
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A male name of Hindu origin
Rising Sun
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