Victorious hero, Powerful
Victorious hero, Powerful
Victory of Flowers
Lord Krishna, Jaya meaning victorious and akara meaning beneficent, Victorious shiva
Garland of victory
Glory of God, One who is praised
The victory of Love, Loard of uganda, The big victory of love
Lord of the earth, Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth, Ruler of the Earth, King of the Earth
Victory, Victorious, Victorious, Triumphant, Winner
Lord of chants, Lord Shiva, Chanting Lord
Famous folk, Famous people
Light of life
One who loves people, One who Loves People, One who is affectionate and caring towards people
The Goddess of victory
Is associated to Lord Murugan
Jal means water and Deep means lamp so it means a lamp in the water, A lamp in the water
Birth, A birth
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Pleasing, The pleasing one
Lord of water, Lord of water
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Lord of the universe, Lord of the Universe, Supreme Being of the Universe, Ruler of the Universe
Nectar of victory, Nectar of Victory, Nectar of Triumph
Honor of victory
Daughter of jambavan
Discussion, A discussion
Victory, To win something
Universe, World, The whole cosoms
Image of world, Embodiement of the world, Embodiment of the World, Incarnation of the World, Epithet of the World
Glorious victory
Brave protector, Brave Protector, Mighty and Fierce Guardian, Courageous Defender
Goddess Durga, Victorious Durga
Giver of victory, One who gives victory
Lovable brave
Praise of the glorious protector, Lord Krishna, Guarded by fame, Name of Lord Krishna
Victory of the queen
King, Lord of Earth, Supreme power of the earth, Ruler of the Earth, King of the Earth
Free from the cycle of births and deaths
Light of the world
Warrior of the world, World winner, Warrior of the World, Brave, Courageous and Mighty defender of the World
Glorious friend
Heart of relation, Heart of Relation, Soul of relation
Gift from God, People
Lotus flower, A powerful woman
Jas mean famous, Gun mean quality
Victory with sword, One who won with sword
Renowned light, A renowed light
Full of water, One who is full of water
Image of world, Embodiement of the world, Embodiment of the World, Incarnation of the World, Epithet of the World
Absorbed in gods remembrance
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One who takes care the universe, Caretaker of the world God
Light of victory, Light of victory
Lord Murugan name. always victory, Handsome, Always claiming victory
Lord of the water, Lord of the waters
Glory of the creation, He is the lord of everything
Sweet heart
The image of the Sun, The image of the sun
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Name of a music Raaga, The music's name
Bravest in the world Jagveer, The bravest peron in the world
Glorious victory, A glorious victory
A flower, Praise of distinction, A flower name
Victory, Victorious
Preceptor of the universe
Garland of victory, Glory with the union of God, A man known for his beauty
Hibiscus flower
Lord of generosity, Lord of Generosity and Kindness
Lord of the water, King of water
Name of a poet king, Meal, Generous, An open-minded king, Name of a Poet King, Meal
A brave one who remembers God, A Brave One who Remembers God, Ruler of People, King of People
Mother of the universe, One who is the mother to the universe
Mother, Tenderness
The Goddess of victory
Warrior of the world, The worlds warrior, fighter
Causing victory, Armour, Armor, or causing victory
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King of the earth, king of the earth
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Victory of light
Lord of the world, He who is the Lord of the world
Love with kingdom and praise, Love with Kingdom and Praise, A King who is adored and famous
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King, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma, King, lord vishnu. lord brahma
King of the universe, Lord of the world or the creation, The Lord provider of the world, He who is the Ruler of the Universe
One who wins, The light who enlighten the world
Abode of the ethereal universe
Friend, Friend
Goddess of victory, Goddess of success
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Lord provider of the world, Lord Provider of the World, Supreme Being of the Universe, Ruler of the Universe, Lord Shiva
Goddess Andal
Conqueror of anger
Victory of kindness