Alert, Awake, Watchful, Sun, Another name for agii, Awakened, Vigilant, Risen Up, Watchful, Observant
Alert, Awake, Watchful, Sun, Another name for agii, Awakened, Vigilant, Risen Up, Watchful, Observant
Lord Ganesh, Name of God, He has the God's name
The one who can heal the sicknesses.
Mother, Tenderness, A tender mother
Glorious victory, To win gloriously
Lord of life, The name Jivraj is an Indian male name and means Lord of life mostly represented in Hindu religion.
Victor, Victor
Goddess Lakshmi, Water, Goddess Laxmi
Victorious, He is the victorious one
Variation of Jenny which is a diminutive of jane and jennifer, A Malayalam variation of Jenny.
Lord Vishnu, Leading to victory, Leading to Victory, One who will lead us to success
Worthy of praise, Victorious, One who has won
Victorious God Swami Narayan, Victory of blue, Victory over gems, Victory over Gems, Victory over precious stones
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Earth, Base, Introduction, Goddess Earth, Lord of Earth
Lord of the earth, Land owner, Attached to the earth, land owner
Curiosity to know things, Jigya means the curiosity to know everything. In short a person who wants to discover whole world.
The lamp radiating gods glories, Lamp of glory, The lapm that radiates God's glory
Vigilance, Awareness, Awakening, Awareness, One who has great worldly knowledge
The name Jiten is an Indian male name and is mostly represented in Jain religion and means Conqueror.
Always winner, Jitu is an Indian male name and means Always a Winner. It is represented in the Hindu Religion.
Born, Angel, Born Angel
Life, Immortal
To live, Lord Vishnu, they are born investigator with the leadership skills. They like to keep themselves moving and have curiosity to learn and gain knowledge.
Silent lake, A contracted form of Jillian, A variant form of Juliana
Life, Feminine of jovian derived from jove who was the roman mythological jupiter and father of the Sky, One of 108 names of the Sun God, The name Jivana is an Indian male name. It means One of 108 names of the sun god and is represented in Hindu religion.
Hero of fame, Victorious
Portion of God
Absorbed in singing gods praises, In the name of God, Abode of fame
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To give life, Jivin is a male name and means Gives life. It is of Indian origin and represented in Hindu religion.
Is associated to Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesh, the name is linked with lord Ganesh and lord Vishnu. Such people have creative and artistic mind. They can easily analyze and judge people.
Lord of Jain, Lord of Jain, Lord of Triumphant, Lord of Ganesh, Lord Vishnu
Gold, Bright, Beautiful, Berry, Precious, Victorious, A Buddha, Another name for Vishnu, Chinesee - Gold, Metal, Money, Embroided, Bright, Ferry
Variant of Jaydev (Lord of triumph, Jade
God, Courageous, Jivesh is an Indian male name and means God. It is mostly represented in Hindu religion.
Universe, World, Everything that existc in the universe
Victorious, Star, Eventual victor, Triumphant, The Moon, Another name for mahavishnu and Shiva, Victorious star
Lord of men leader, Master of men, God of Shanti
Full of curiosity, Eager to know something
Required victory, Superior, Ambitious, Wanting to win
Victorious Sun, Sun that is victorious
Victorious God Swami Narayan, Victory of blue, Victory over gems, Lord Shiva's Cow
Winning girl
Life, Immortal, Life, Being, Living, Existence
Victorious, One who wins
God is gracious, Kirti, Good wishes, Hebrew - Yahweh is Gracious, Yahweh is merciful, A pet form of James
One who gets credit
Life, Strong
A Shakti of Lord Ganesh, Auspicious, Causing victory, A shakti of ganesha
Smiley, Smiles
God of victory, Winner, The name Jitesh means God of Voctory ot Winner. It is an Indian male name, used in Hindu religion.
Mother, Slavic name meaning God is gracious
Life, Strong
Dispeller of ignorance, One who gathers knowledge, One who gathers knoledge
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Person having highest feelings
Winner, Winner, Victorious, One who is successful
A name of Lord Shiva, One who has matted hair, Ascetic, Disciplined, Name of Lord Shiva
Conqueror, Victory, The Sun, Conquest, Victorious, One who is a victor
Lord Vishnu, Kind, Loving, Good natured and intelligent, it means lord Vishnu who have speech power and can easily convince the audience towards him. They keep themselves busy and determined.
Name of a Raga, One who gives blessings of long life
A Biblical name, a name given to Lord Shiva
Victory, Good character, Causing victory
Water, Source of life, Livelihood, Life giving
Goddess Sita, Daughter of king Janak, Name of Goddess Sita
Victory of Lord Krishna, Victory of Lord Krishna, Triumph of Lord Krishna, A Salutation to Lord Krishna
Name of a flower plant, Fragrant
Ganga - the river, As precious as your life
Gift from God, Victorious
God is gracious, Kirti, Good wishes, Fame, Popularity, Glory, Eminent, Distinct, Renowned
Victorious, Star, Eventual victor, Triumphant, The Moon, Another name for mahavishnu and Shiva, Victorious
River Ganga (Daughter of Jahnu), The daughter of the Ganga river
Dispeller of ignorance, Ruler of humans, One who dispells ignorance
Soul, Life force, birthplace, A force of life
Undefeatable, The meaning of the name Jithin is Undefeatable. It is of Indian origin and represented in Hindu religion.
God, God, Supreme Being, Lord, Also means a follower of Jainism
Variant of Jaydev (Lord of triumph, God has heard him
Victory, One who has thoughtful nature, victory, To win
Lord Shiva, Jai - victory, Conquest, Thriving, Bestowing prosperity, Name of son of Krishna and mitravindaa, Name of Vishnu, A name of Lord Shiva
Defender of men, Protecting men, A man who protects
Earth, Base, Introduction, earth
Near heart, Always Happy
Victorious Sun, The triumphant golden shining sun forever.
God, it means God of love. The person with this name is most adored and popular. He easily gets fame and is handsome. Generous, lovable and kind person
Victorious God Swami Narayan, Victory of blue, Victory over gems, Victorious God Swami Narayan, Victory of Blue, Triumph of Lord Vishnu
Hindu Rishi who kept Ganga on his legs, A Hindu Rishi, the one who kept Ganga on lis legs
Triumphant, it means victorious. People with this name are honest, powerful and determined towards their goal. They can easily win the war with their leadership skills.
Leaping, The universe, The world, The World, Universe, Land, Name of a river in Iran
Lord Kuber, Lord of Kuber, Lord of richness, Lord of Wealth
Conqueror, Victory, The Sun, Conquest, Victorious, One who is happy
God is gracious, Strength
A name of Lord Shiva, One who has matted hair, Ascetic, Disciplined, Name of Lord Shiva
One who gets credit, To Be Proud of Self, Filled with pride
Pure & divine, A Pure and Divine person
Heart, Sweet heart, Jia means the outstanding, great person who is everyone's favorite.
Ganga - the river, As precious as your life, Another name of Ganga river