Enabling to crossover
Enabling to crossover
Name of Lord Shiva, Bright, Radiant, Luminous, Glowing, Glorious
God for earth
A great devotee
Body, Slender, Minute, Delicate, Thin
Goddess of gold & Angel, A flower
Life like, Rising the Sun, Wife of a king
Lord of forts, One who is the LOrd of the forts
Lord Shiva, Name of Shiva uttering three Vedas, Name of one of the 11 Rudra, Name of a mountain
Beautiful princess
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Name of a king, Destroyer of evil
(A powerful rishi famous for his quick temper. The Puranas and Mahabharata contain many stories about Durvasa.)
Goddess of gold and Angel
Resolute, Funs
Concentration, Ecstasy
Glimpse, Spark, Sudden motion, Spark or a sudden motion you felt
Conqueror, Small plant
The invincible, One who is invincible
Apsara, Rope
(Daughter of Gandhari and Dhritarastra; Lone sister of the hundred Kauravas.), A daughter of Gandhari, alone sister
Gifted friend, Gifted Friend, A treasured Friend
One who is young and from Earth
Ambition, An ambitious woman
Young girl
Concentration, Ecstasy
Lord Shiva, Lord shiva
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Star, Pupil of eye, Protector
Goddess Durga, Agile, Efficient, Swift, An agile or a swift person, Goddess Durga
Difficult to conquer, Unvanquished, One who is difficult to conquer
Gods gracious butterfly, God's Gracious Butterfly, Butterfly, God is merciful
King bharats son, Eyes like a Pigeon, Chopping, To make from wood
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Connection, Young, Youth, Ageless, Gentle
A small star, Starlet, Divine, Film actress
Intellect, A scholar or an intellect person
Splendor, Luster, Glow, Light
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Who cannot be affected by poison, One who is not affected by poison
Lord Shiva
Goddess Parvati
A medicinal herb, Sacred grass, Name of a medicinal herb
Goddess of gold and Angel
A king from the epic Mahabharata, Husband of Shakuntala who destroyed evil
Name of Lord Shiva
Ganga the river (Celebrity Name: Sridevi), Ganga the river, An educated person
Cute, Loving Son, Clever, Appealing, Delightful, Charming, Attractive, Precious