A brave one who remembers God, Chanting, Praise of the Brave, Adoring the brave
A brave one who remembers God, Chanting, Praise of the Brave, Adoring the brave
Pure of heart, Mind, And soul
Love for own rule
Thought, Contemplation
Righteous, One who fears Allah
Union with virtue, Union with Virtue.
The Sun
Pleasure of having wealth
Oil lamp, Light
Goddess Parvati, Amlesh - pure, Lata - a creeper, A branch, A string or thread of pearls, A slender or graceful woman, A woman in general, Name of An Apsara
Harmony, Consent
Of beautiful and tender body, A gorgeous and tender body f a woman
An author of old times
An epithet for Yama, An Epithet
Protector of his religion
Kind of spear
Clean, Neat
Lamp of modesty
Educated, A great person, Educated, A Great Person
Delight of consciousness
Asked from God, One who is asked from God
Exalted, A pious, god-fearing woman
Immaculate protector
Master of Om, Master of Om, Lord of Om, King of Om
Life giving, Life Giving, Life
Victorious, He is the victorious
Lord of luck
Promise, One who has made a promise and an oath
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Pure, Pure
Unknown, Mystery, Maze, A person who remains a mystery
Name of a Guru, Name of the Guru
Winning, Success
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Protector of charm, Protector of Charm, Defender of Charm
Absorbed in, Identical, Absorbed in or identical.
King of the Earth, Prince, Heir to throne, Son of King, A variant of name Illayaraja
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Name of Shankar jee
Reviver of the religion (Islam)
Sweet, One who speaks sweetly, Parrot, Measured
Son of Goddess
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Three words heaven, Earth, Hell
Peaceful victory
New Love, The fresh affection or love
Fathers Love, Fatherly love
One with wise intellect, Good natured, One who is wise and has a big intellect
Lucky, The lucky one
Shining, Lighting, Illuminating, Glitter, Flash, Luster, Bright
Who has no enemies, One born without any enemies, A derivative name from Ajar
Absorbed in the highest
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One who prostrates to the merciful (Allah)
Strong, Majesty, Dignity, Awe
New generation
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Name of a sahabiyah ra
A narrator of Hadith
Happy heart, Blessed with happiness and prosperity, Good fortune and good destiny
Helper, Defender, Successor, To need and to give help
Acquainted, Aware
Facilitation, Facilitation
Flame of knowledge, A flame of information or knowledge
Something bestowed
All victorious
Exalted, Great, Exalted, Great
One who praises Allah
Absorbed in the Love of God, Absorbed in the Love of God, One who is engrossed in God's Love, Immersed in Love of God
An epithet of Lord Vishnu, God of wealth or Lord Vishnu or Consort of Goddess Lakshmi, Beautiful, Lord Shiva, Of glorious neck, An epithet of vishnu
Pure, Eternally pure, An individual who is pure
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The Sun, Sun, Bright, Radiant and Luminous light of the Sun
Protector of Love
Student, A girl full of desires, a seeker
One aware of elixir of naam
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Lord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi, Represents the Husband of the Hindu Goddess Laxmi
Sweet, One who sweet,tasty,and fresh
One of the kauravas
Pertaining to the month of Saavan, One who prepares Soma
Name of a flower
Expert, Skilled, Expert, Skilled, To help, experienced
Selflessness, Preference
The subduer
Small, She who is small, short
Innocent, Simple, Young, Ignorant, Pure, Clean
Lord Krishna, Unbiased who can see all, Name of Lord Krishna
Unbounded, A wonder, full of wonders
Lord Shiva name, One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying him as supreme being
A gift