Exalted way of life, An exalted way of life
Exalted way of life, An exalted way of life
Charming friend, From the surge of the pounder or Dicer.
A name of Lord Brij
Bringer of many glad tidings, Bringer Of Good News
A river
Lion, Powerful
Excellent, First, God of the skies
Of warrior kings
Living in a hermitage, The one who lives in a hermitage
Highest elixir
Victory for beauty
In Love with God
Embodiment of the world, The essence of the universe
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Preserver of modesty
Superior religion, Superior Religion, Ultimate and Absolute Religion
Flawless, Uninterrupted, Perfect, Flawless, Uninterrupted, Perfect, Without Faults, Absolute, Thorough
Knowledgeable, Thankfulness
Servant of the enricher, In English, this name means servant of the enriched
Good or Happy condition, Solution, Fortune
Cool like the Moon
Lord of the desert, Lord of the Desert, God of the Desert
Lord of the universe
Desire of victory
Obedient, Willing, Submissive to another's will
The Lord of knowledge
Lover, God of Love, One who loves dearly like the God
Abundant, A generous, rich, abundant person
Victory of the Moon, Victory of the Moon
The Moon, A good talker and impulsive being
Name of a companion of the prophet, A Prophet's companion's name
One with lot of scent, One who uses a lot of scent
Elegant, Virtuous
Lord Vishnu, The one who bears the universe
Produced, Divine
Lamp of exalted light, The exalted and illustrious light of the lamp
Son of Lord Shiva (Son of Lord Shiva)
Embodiment of glory, Embodiment of glory
God of heavens warrior
A great sage and teacher, Wise, Boy sage
Friend of the world, Friend of the World, Companion and Guide of the world
Lord of flowers, One who rules the flowers
Contentment, Complete satisfaction
Nearest, Intimate as a friend, Bright
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Victor, First, Predominant, Another name for God, Victor
The one who knows the supreme
The ocean of truth
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Helper, Defender, Successor, To help others
Ascetic, Ascetic, A spartan who dedicates his life to attain enlightment of Knowledge
The one who shines, Splendid, Ornamental, Shining, Beautiful, Turmeric, Ornamental, shining, beautiful
Supreme spirit, Big soul, The real God
Love, Affection
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Beautiful, A leader in a war
Individual who is devoted to God
Cream, Character, Cream, character
Born of the Sun, Warming
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Every where, God
Valour, Bravery, Happy, Laughing
King of the universe, Lord of the world or the creation, The Lord provider of the world, Lord of everything there is
Vision of exalted bravery, Exalted vision
Trustworthy, A person who deserves the trust that he was given
Star, A Hindu calendar month, Is of Indian
Skilled king, Skilled King, Great Leader, Mighty Ruler, Powerful King
The Lord of retribution, The avenger
Moon rays
Honey, He who is as sweet as a honey
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Heart, Idea, Khatir name means Notion
Little leopard
Intelligent, Bright
A narrator of Hadith, A narrator of hadith
Friendly elixir of the Lord, Kingdom's warrior
Light of the eye, The head of a tribe or clan.
Prosperous light, The name means Happiness is Pleasure
Gods favorite disciple
Friend of lotus bee, The Sun, Friend of Lotus (bee, sun), Companions of Lord Krishna, Disciples or Followers
Liberated, Sage, Freed