Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Dark skinned, Moor
Detached, Free from desire and attaclunent
Spirit of the Vedas
Vow of the Vedas
Lord Venkateshwara, Residence of Goddess of wealth, Abode of wealth
Light, Bright
The Moon, One who shines like the Moon
The supreme absolute truth
Love of life, Love of Life, One who loves to live and Exist, Affectionate towards life
One who is beloved to Lord Rama
Lord Shiva, Lord of Shiva
Saint of Gorakh community, Name of a famous hindu yogi, Saint of Gorakh community.
Lord Chandra (Moon)
Lord Murugan, Murugan, The king, Head, One of the many names of Lord Murugan
Honorable, Outstanding, An abundant person
Light of the world, One who light the world, light of the world
Name of Lord Perumal
Protector of three worlds
Ardent, Longing, Forehead
Absorbed, Imbued, Infused
Beautiful, Beauteous, Charming, Pleasing, Attractive
Goddess of dawn
A bud, A Bud, Bloom, Blossom, Blooming Flower
Best wishing, Lovely Raja, Best wishing
Lord of the three worlds
Safety, One who has integrity
Lord Krishna fathers name, A joyous cow-herd, referred to Lord Krishna
Happy, Jolly, Pleasant
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Intelligent and brave
Goddess Durga, She who does what is liked
Natural, Natural
Blue, With blue eyes, Shining in blue color.
Star of family, Star of Family, Star of the clan, Star of the Kul
Moonrise, Moonrise, One who is bright and luminous like the moon, Rising Moon
Feeling, Virtual, Feeling, Empathise with, Compassionate
Gardens of Islam
Supreme being
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Worship, Hymns sang in praise of God, Divine fire in ritual
Brave one
Lord Shiva, Lord of intoxication, Name of Shiva, Name of the Lord Shiva
Home, Refuge
Star of the state, The star of the princely state
Rhythm, Voice
Dominant, Dominant, Governing
Female warrior
One who has conquered thought, One who conquered the mind, A person who has conquered the mind
Lustrous fame
The exalted warrior
Goddess Parvati, Consort of Lord Shiva, Parvati (Wife of Lord Shiva)
Well proportioned, Well-proportioned
Goddess Laxmi, Consort of Lord Krishna, A name of the Goddess Laxmi
Dignity, One who has success kissing his feet
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Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Youthful, Resourceful, A young and resourceful person
One who ennobled the dandaka forest
Tej i am
No selfishness, A selfless person, without any self desire
Meaning of truth
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Imbued in nectar and equipoise
Form of eternal bliss
Appearance, Order, One of nice appereance, or to be in order
The Goddess who is permanent
Sweet like Honey, Name of a Raga, Sweet Person, One who is sweet like honey, A very lovable and kind person
Defender of humanity, Sanskrit for alexander
A flower, Jui name means Flower
Merciful, Companionate, A merciful companion
Existence, eminence
Sun God, Sun God, Lord of the Light
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Victory for the God of truth
God is gracious
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The first light at the horizon
Name of a Raga
Conquering millions, Conquering Millions, One who has won millions of heart
One of the kauravas
Desired, A wish, Wisdom
Merciful, A person full of mercy and forgivness
Lotus eyes
The one accepted by God, the one who is accepted by the God
Righteous victory, A victory of righteousness
Socially friendly
Laugh, laugh
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Lord venkateswara