Power of discrimination
Power of discrimination
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Right deeds
Golden Love
King of the serpents, King of cobras
To do with paper, Leaf
The pure one of the faith, One whose faith is pure
White flowers
One who loves all
Objective, Goal, The wanted one
Imbued in naam, The one who is filled with his name.
Love of family, Kulprem emans Family Love
Victor of the Sky, One who wins over the sky
Celebrity, Personality, A celebrity
Sweet words
Jewel of Lord Rama
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
One whose faith in God is steadfast, The one who is a strong believer of God.
Name of the enlightener
Ornament of water means wind, An ornament
Victory of the brave, Victory of the Brave
Fire, One who can manifest himself to do things creatively and in a unique way.They are spontaneous and lively.
The Moon
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Making alive, Making alive
Light of the world
Flute player
Handsome, Very tender, Very delicate, Very tender, very delicate
God of bravery
One living and exalted life
Protected by God
Lord of happiness, Warrior of peace, One who is a Lord of happiness and a warrior of peace
Supreme light, Supreme Light, Ultimate and Absolute Radiance, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Advisor, Well wisher, An advisor, who gives good advise
Beautiful woman
A bunch of gems, A necklace, a string of pearls
Symbol of smile, Resolute, Brave, Bright
Protector, Protector
One who helps
Glowing, Incandescent
Steadfast in naam, the one who is committed to his name.
Bliss of soul, Bliss of Soul, Happy Soul, Peaceful Soul
Everyones liking
Lord Shiva, The one who has a lion as his vehicle, Lord shiva
Love for Spring
Exalted way of life
Good character Man or well behaved, Good conduct, Pleasant
Elixir of courage
Protector of heart, A protector of heart
Peaceful excellence, Peaceful Excellence
One in union with God, One In Union With God, Light of Brahma
People of the heavenly God
Splendor of Lord Indra
Contemplation of all
More delicate, More gracious
Victorious hero, Powerful, A victorious hero
Brave king
Name of Lord Shiva, Name of great Lord Shiva
One who is victorious
One who prays the witr prayer
Fearless, Fearless, Brave, Courageous, Valiant, Bold, Daring
Water which flows from melted ice from mountain, Water born
Name of Lord Indra
Gracious glance of the true one
Liberal, Generous, Another name for God
Supreme spirit, Big soul, The one with a big soul
Victory of the Lord
Remembrance of the enlightener
Indestructible, Eternal
Fairy like flower
Lord Murugan, The son of daughter of mountain himavan
Friend of the religion (Islam)
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Radiant, Radiant, Expression, distinctive and illuminating
Brave, Protector, Saint, The one who supports and cares, holds hands
Plenty, Abundance, Powerful
Lord Surya
Completing the work, Finish
Love with life, One who is dear and beloved to life
One of the kauravas
Star of the faith
Light of excellence, Light of Excellence
King of dreams, King of dreams
Lord Krishna, Attractive, Lord krishna
Victor, A Mulsim baby Boy name
One of the names of Lord Shiva
Slave of the excellence, Servant of the glorious, Servant of the noble, As al-Majeed is one of Allah's name which means servant of honourable and gracious
Embodiment of all
Love of hundred thousand, Love of Hundred Thousand
Family friend, Kulmeet means Family Friend