The Sun, Moon
The Sun, Moon
Granter of good health, Provider of good health
Musk, Musk, Fragrant Material, Scented, Perfumed, A variant form of Kasthuri
Without spite or envy, Learned woman, Full of goodwill, Not resentful, A charitable individual who has immense knowledge
Honey, Witness, Patriot
Wise, Clever, Sensible
Moon (Lord of night, One who lives in Night
Good principles, Woman with good virtues, Morality, Good behaviour
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Name of a Raga
Goddess Saraswati, Perfectly white
Fleshy, Angry, Lovers, Beloved One
Precious like An eye
Garland of victory
The preserver
Lake, Lake of the fairies, Moral, Worthy
Name of a Raga
Example, Copy, Torch, Light, Lightened, Sparkling, Shining, Example, Role Model
Bird, The name means Bird
Good, New, One who is very good
Salutation, Worship, Praise, Its a Bond, Relationship, Connection
Beautiful portrait, Abstract picture
White rose
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Light Ray of Moon, Name given to a certain flower, generous one
Intelligent, One who is graceful like an antelope.
Name of a great syrian queen
Faith, Trust
Happy Cheery
Strong one
Goddess Parvati, Consort of Shankar, Wife of shankar
One of the consorts of Yama
Love for desires, One who has love for desire
Handsome, Beautiful, Helpful, Generous and got a lot of Love to share, A handsome and a helpful person
Lord Vishnu, Cause of the universe
First martyr of Islam
Helpful, Friend
Glory of the Moon, A woman glorious like a Moon
A ring
Victorious, Happy brave, A happy and brave victor
Creeper of hope
Supreme, One who cannot be defeated, Invincible, One who cannot be defeated, Invincible, Supreme
Achievement, Lord Shiva, Perfection or completion
Ascending, Essence, Soul, Spiritual, Beloved
Lord Krishna, Son of Nanda, An extremely happy person
Made of Honey
Smiling, Cheerful, Ever smiling
Rising, Shining, Something shinign and rising
Lord Brahma, Bourn from lotus flower, One of many names of Lord Brahama signifying his form holding Lotus
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Whole, Perfect, One who is perfect and a whole person
Hero, Hero
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Precious, Prosperous
Flowering, Blooming, Flower
Saintly person, Tranquil, Calm, Saint, A saint
Pious, Noble, Grand, Great
A falcon
Winner in war, The brave warrior
Delicate, Fine, Soft, A delicate and soft one
Twist, Flexure
The divine power
Will, Determination
Worldly illusion, Worldly illusion, perception of experience
Prayer, A beautiful sweet prayer
Favor, Grace, Kindness, One who does good deeds
Complete, A man wh is complete, who lacks nothing
Easy, Successful, Fortunate, He who is fortunate
Bright, Heroic sword, A bright Boy
Warrior captivating God, Warrior Captivating God, One who enchants God with his bravery
Well behaved, Modest, Disciplined, Cultured, Eminent
Beautiful, Attractive
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Lord of the universe, Lord of the Universe, Supreme Being of the Universe, Ruler of the Universe
Born with beauty, The one who is born beautiful
Innocent, A blameless, innocent person
Shining, shining
Fresh, Dear, Rare, Pinnacle, The one who gives cautions to others.
Sunlight, East, Khawara name means The Sunlight on the East
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Name of a river
Lord Shiva, Auspicious, Lucky
An epithet of Lord Vishnu