Viewing happiness, A happiness that can be seen
Viewing happiness, A happiness that can be seen
Blossoming heart, Lionhearted lit. tiger, A lionhearted heart, a brave and kid person
Victory of politeness, One who wins over through the humbleness
The one who is brave and bold., The one who is brave and bold.
They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion, They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion
Lamp of victory, A victory's lamp
Lord Krishna, Lord of ascetics, The Lord is Gracious ,patient.A person eho is strict ,particular and picky
Righteous victory, A victory of righteousness
One who attains the gurus shelter, Refuge of the victor, Protected, A woman who attains the shelter of a Guru
A name of the Sikh clan
Lover of holy company, The one who loves the Holy Company
The sound of the great infinity
One who becomes the embodiment of naam name, The beauty of a name
Absorbed in the songs of bliss, One who is fascinated by the blissful songs.
Lightning, One who is like a strike of lightining
King of the Gods, King of the Gods
They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion, They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion
The one who is bold, unafraid and courageous., The one who is bold, unafraid and courageous.
Divine, A divine person, God is great
Protector of warrior of peace, One who protects the warrior of the peace
The one who can not be abolished or eliminated., The one who can not be abolished or eliminated.
Humble lamp, The light of the humbleness
An individual of peaceful nature
The precious talent from the most high place.
The eternal reality, The Eternal Reality
At the present or currently
Love for solitude, One who loves solitude
Light of name, The light of a name, enlightens the name
They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion, They are very religious and obidient to their Guru.They are very soft and kind hearted but strict about their religion
Chance, occasion, opening., Chance, occasion, opening.
The one who likes the water of the sea.
Modest friend, The humble or modest friend
Happy kingdom, Lord Shiva, Khemraaj means The Kingdom of Happiness
In a very pathetic situation.
Feet of Lord Shiva, The Lord SHiva's feet
Love for sight, One who is mesmerising to the vision
Fosterer of purity, A supporter of the purity
The tunes and melodies of name., The tunes and melodies of name.
All victorious
To unload a burden
The name means Full with God's Grace, The name means Full with God's Grace
A protector of the Earth, A protector of the Earth
God of peace, He who is the God of the peace
The Master or Guru. The founder of the Sikh religion, The Master or Guru. The founder of the Sikh religion
The Lord is Gracious,patient.Lord Krishna,Lord Shiva,fearless,skillful and creative, The Lord is Gracious,patient.Lord Krishna,Lord Shiva,fearless,skillful and creative
Guardian of the nation., Guardian of the nation.
One whose consciousness has awakened, One whose consciousness has awakened
The great ruler of the rulers, The great ruler of the rulers
The person who is much fond of the sea., The person who is much fond of the sea.
One who cannot be destroyed; and also protects, One who cannot be destroyed, and also protects
Singer of victory, Kawaljeet means He who Sings of Victory
Unfathomable and profound, Bottomless and thoughtful.
Treasure of great virtues, A woman treasured for her great virtues
An auspicious lamp, He is like an auspicious lamp
The one who protects the Earth, The one who protects the Earth
Vision of the enlightener, They are very expressive,charming and ideal.They are example of hard working and guide others very clevrly.
One remembering and always trusting God, One remembering and always trusting God
Protector of nobility, A smoke, emit a cloud of fine particles.
Kings lyrics, Refers to the lyrics or songs written by the emperor.
Aware of Eternal Love, Aware of Eternal Love
Loving, Loving and an affectionate person
An victorious wild horse
Support of naam, the protector or defender of the name.
Exalted in naam, The one who has lifted up by his name.
Unwavering in naam, firming in name, the firm name
Gods victory, A victory achieved by the Gods
A unique individual who is like no other, a bird
One who sing the glories of name
Virtuous, Meritorious, He who is veru virtuous
Warrior of peace, Champion of peace, One who is a warrior of peace
Jurgaj name means Patient
Lord of the Kings, Lord of the Kings
Protector of the Lord of the earth, The one who protects the God of the Eart
One who is sustained by naam, the one who is endured by name.
Gift of he enlightener, They are very expressive,charming and ideal.They are example of hard working and guide others very clevrly.
Triumph of God, Lord Krishna, One who is victorious over the god, He who defeted the Gods
Virtuous brave, To reside or pervad
Lawful, The one who is legalized and endorsed.
Praise of Guru, Praise of Guru
One who has immense amount of wealth, One who has immense amount of wealth
Sacred Lord, One sacred as the Lord
One minded, Absorbed in meditation of one, One pointed, One who is absorbed in meditation
One who sings praises of naam, Who praises the name through singing
Victory of radiant God, Victory of radiant God
The God of the Gods
Outstanding rules and regulations., Outstanding rules and regulations.
Worshipper of the supreme being, One who worships the supreme being
Love of God, One who is protected by the Gods
Gods light, The light that the Gods shine upon us
A woman who is extremly beautiful
Lovingly remembering God, Love for meditation, One who loves to meditate, who contemplates lovingly
Light of sapphire, The brightness of blue color.
Triumph of God, Lord Krishna, One who is victorious over the god, He who achieved victory over the Gods
Reflection on consciousness, The one who has consideration on the morality.
Sapphire warrior, The person who fights for blue color.
Protected by remembrance, One who meditates and contemplates
Worrier, Ready to stand firm,unbeatable,true warrior and unfearful in war.
Golden lamp, Kanchandeep The Lamp of Gold
King, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma, He who protects the vicors
He is the light of the Sun, He is the light of the Sun