Light of the lotus, Light of the Lotus, Brilliance and Radiance of Lord Krishna
Light of the lotus, Light of the Lotus, Brilliance and Radiance of Lord Krishna
Resident of the highest abode, Resident of the Highest Abode, Refuge of Supreme God, Most ultimate residence
Joy, Desire, Achievement, One who is joyful and has many desires
Sadguru, Sadguru, one who is the supreme God
Air, Purification
Pyar ko pasand karne wala, A defender of Love, Brave in Love, Courageous and Mighty in Love
Lover, Beloved, Husband
Flow of the river
Dedicated to the good, One who dedicated himslef to the God
Mountain, A tall, high mountain
An ancient ruler, One who is an ancanet ruler
Holy, Sacred, Freshness, Purity
The Sweetest, Expectation, Hope, Belief
One of the kauravas
Lord Indra, Fortress destroyer, Name of Indra, An epithet of Shiva, Krishna, Agni and Vishnu, Name of the Lord Indra
Lord Brahma, Bourn from lotus flower, One of many names of Lord Brahama signifying his form holding Lotus
Manifested, Confident, Manifested, Clear, Visible, Mark, Apparent and Noticeable
Flow of the river
Missile presided over by Lord Shiva
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Living, Life giving
The founder of Chandra dynasty, The one who founded the Chandra dynasty
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Leader, A chief, a leader of men
Leader, A person with qualities of a leader
Full Moon, To resamble a Full Moon
One who draws bliss from God, A person who draws happiness and bliss from the God
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Origin, Starting point
Name of a sage, The name of the wise one
Beauty of beauties
Company of the highest, Company of the Highest, Companionship of Supreme Being
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West, West
Sweet name to called, A sweet name to be called
East, Orient
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Start, One who is very pleasing
Flower, One just as delicate as the flower
One who speaks nicely, A person who speks sweetly and dearly
A flower
One who resided in lotus, One who resides under the Lotus flower
One who removes parijath flower
Love, Satisfaction
Perception, Thought, Intention
Best friend, Wisdom
Holy, Holy, Sacred, Pious, Lotus which is flower of divinity
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Mud with water, The mud combined with water
A Hindi name for Boys
Full Moon
Soul, Spirit, He who is full of spirit
Chief, Most excellent, Supreme, Very Good
It means one who is loving and charming. its actually a flower which has medicinal values, A flower with healing abilities
One who serves the highest, Serving the Highest, One who serves the supreme being
Light of God, Light of God, Brightness of Lord, Brilliance, Radiance and Glory of God
Name of a sage, Name of an ancient Indian Saint, A surname of Indian Origin
Mythical vehicle of Lord Vishnu
Born from a flower, Nectar, One who is flower-born
Lamp of Love
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Consort of Lord Indra
A likable, social and easy-going person
One with a supreme light
Calm and composed or cool
An excellent warrior, King, Chief, Brave, A person who in charge of things
Earth, Earth, World, Universe
Defender, Defender, Fighter, Warrior, Guardian, Soldier
Full Moon night
Soul, Spirit
Singing gods praise
Full of flower fragrance, One who is full of flower fragrance, One who is perfumed and smelling sweet like flowers
The lamp of the divine, One who is the from the land of divine
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King of serpents, King of Serpents, Lord of Serpents
Another name of Lord Murugan
Liberation from all bonds, Liberation from All Bonds,One who attains self realization and gains self knowledge
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Empress, One who a reserved empress
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Test, Exam
More intelligent
Coral, Strong, Powerful, A fierce person full of strenght
Knowledge, One who has divine knowledge, One who has holy and religious brilliance, Having sacred Wisdom
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Lord Vishnu, Consort of Padma (Padma - Lakshmi), A name of Lord Vishnu, lotus petal