River, A star, Agile, Quick, Another name for Kaali and the river Narmada, One who guides people like a river or a star
River, A star, Agile, Quick, Another name for Kaali and the river Narmada, One who guides people like a river or a star
Right guidance, Happy, Scholar, Lady Indian priest who full fill particularly completing the vedic haven, Lady Indian priest, right guidance, scholar. The one who has completed Vedas.
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First Ray of sunlight, Lord vishnus Ansh (Ansh = part
Silken, Saintly, Pious, Learned, Saintly, Divine Worshippers, A variant form of name Rishi
Good fortune, Prosperity, Wealth, Success, Superiority, Supernatural power, Fortunate, Prosperous, Rich, Wealthy, Lucky
Queen, Germanic - Counsel, Advice, Latin - Queen, A spelling variant of name Raina
Fearsome, Name of Lord Shiva, The terrible, God of storms, Thunder and lightning, Lord Shiva's consort
Goddess of gold, Daughter, Goddess of gold
King bharats son, Eyes like a Pigeon, Chopping, To make from wood
Auspicious, A star, Lucky, The sense of joy and happiness
Priest, Timely, Sage, Saint, One who meditates on Lord's Name, Seeker of enlightment, Scholar, Head of the Vedas
Little king, Kingly, A King, a Ruler, a royal one
World known, World, World Known, One of the Vedas
Lord Shiva, A part of Rudra
Slender, Beautiful, Delicate, A beautiful and delicate woman
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One who is endowed with immense capabilities, Name of Goddess Saraswati
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Rich or from hadria, Gem, Goddess Lakshmi, Graceful, Singer, A female singer of great grace
Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh, Lord shiva
A music tune, Soul, A flower, Who touches the heart, One with a beutiful soul
The best, Learned, One who is the best in everything
First Ray of sunlight, Lord vishnus Ansh (Ansh = part, One who can be comapared to the first ray of sun in the morning
Lord Shiva, Good human being, Strong, Good, Sage, Saint, One who meditates on Lord's Name, Seeker of enlightment
First Ray of sunlight, Lord vishnus Ansh (Ansh = part
Goddess Lakshmi, Trident, One who is with pitchfork, Goddess Laxmi
Gods chosen one, Lord Vishnu, Destroyer of enemies
Name of An Angel meaning season, Love and saint, Speech