Shadow of Allah
Olive, Fiery, Sower of seeds
Brilliant, Beautiful
Appearance, Manifestation, Flowers
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Precious stone, Expensive jewel
Name of the legendary sword of Ali, Name of the legendary sword of Ali
A single olive, A Single Olive, Olive Tree, A variant form of name Zaituna, Zaytoon is another variant form
Lions roar
Beautiful ornament, Jewelry, decoration
Golden, Golden
Adornment, Beauty
Victory, peace, protection, safety., Victory, peace, protection, safety.
Show that the Lord is good.
Little lion
Silent lake, Jharna
Little shinning spark, It means a brightly, Shining star
Helper of the religion (Islam)
Derived from Slavic zdrav meaning healthy., Derived from Slavic zdrav meaning healthy.
Instant appearance
Pass through worldly cares
Elegant, Witty, Graceful, The one who is destined to be successful.
The first three nights of the lunar month, light or brilliance.
God's son, God's son
Beautiful, Antelopes
Guest, Helper, Assistant, Shining, Luminous, Shining, luminous
Without fear, One who leads his life without fear
Helper of religion of Islam
The Sun, Dawn, Morning
Full of beauty
Yiddish word for grandfather., Yiddish word for grandfather.
Glorious birth., Glorious birth.
Abstinent, Helps the vulnerable
Olive, Olive tree
Protector of gold
A practical, patient and detailed person, A practical, patient and detailed person
Bright, Masculine zealand
The name of a Spring in Arab
Dispersed in the air
A plant that grows in quick, Name of a plant that grows in quick sand
Hearts, or consciences.
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Dawn, Light of day
Pure gold
Elegant, Witty, Graceful
Nearness, Closeness, Nearness, Closeness, One who is very dear, A variant spelling is Zulfa which means first part of night
One who is well born.
Firm, Victorious, Successful
Leader of the religion (Islam)
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One who meets, One who meets, one with strong intentions.
Beauty, Smart, A graceful woman.
Sword that the prophet (Saw) gave to Sayyidina Ali
Fast, A strict, but wise person.
Victorious, or successful
Olive, Fiery, Sower of seeds, Olive
Beauty, Friend, Beloved, Beautiful
Female gazelle, Like deer
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Brilliant, Beautiful
Name of a flower
Green, The color green
Healthy & vigorous
Time, Destiny
Florist, or flower seller., Florist, or flower seller.
Appellation of prophet Yunus
Variant of Sabrina. It means princess.
Name of a sahabiyah ra
Ornament, Something beautiful, A hospitable woman, A hospitable woman
Lily or lotus flower.
Fragrant or beautiful plant, Fragrant or beautiful plant
Helper, Supporter, Protector, Blossoming flower, Brilliant, Visible, Dawn
Strong and powerful
A beautiful, golden branch
One who is golden haired., One who is golden haired.
Guest, Helper, Assistant, Shining, Luminous
Name of a sahabi ra
The daughter of time.
Golden, Precious
Brightness, Brightness
A variant of Zulaikha, meaning brilliant beauty.