Hope of the kind
Hope of the kind
Slave of the high
The Lord of retribution, The avenger
The new Moon
One who indicates by signs
Young Krishna
Young Lord Shiva
Intercession, Mediation
Servant of the Lord (Allah)
Eloquent by grace of Rahman
Servant of Allah
Lord of Subramaniam
Pride of the faith
The reckoner
The preserver
The benign, The source of all-goodness
Servant of the finder
Slave of one who prevents
Servant of the finder, Slave of the finder, Perceiver
Servant of the gatherer
Servant of the compassionate
The restorer
Servant of the all-hearing
The Sun of the faith
An assembler
The just
The highest
Reviver of the faith
Great leader
Servant of the last
The majestic, The revered, The sublime
Young Krishna
The guide
The watchful
The last
Supporter of the faith
The immutable, The infinite, The everlasting
Servant of the depriver
Slave of the Lord
Servant of the surrounded
Young Moon, Moon crested Lord
Eye liner
Servant of the restorer
Supporter of the faith
Crown of the faith
Good of the faith
Merciful heart
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
The inspirer of faith
Servant of the preserver
Devoted to truth, Love to truth
Lord Rama, Pleasing, Rejoicing, Charming and beautiful
Lord Krishna, Black, Dark-skinned
The opener, The judge
Young Lord Murugan, Lord murugans childhood
The majestic one
(Brother of Krishna)
The bestower
The wise
The withholder
The reckoner
Lord Shiva, Samba - attendedby Amba or with Amba + Shiv - auspicious, Propitious, Prosperous, Fortunate, Thriving, Right
Wealthy person, Divine beauty
Crown of Islam
Loving flowers
The light
The forbearing
The abaser
King maker
Playing with flowers
Servant of the just
Slave of the originator, Servant of the incomparable
Slave of the protecting friend
The one
The sustainer
Old Arabic name
Zaman - times
Grace of the truth i.e. Allah
Servant of the benefactor (Allah)
Supporter of God
The ever-living
Son of Lord Shiva (Lord Ganesh, Lord Kartikeya)
Victorious person
The responsive
The afflicter
The beloved one, Lion
Might of the faith
Wealth, Lord Vishnu, An ancient king
The patient one
The protecting friend
The last
The giver of life
The hidden
The nourisher
Servant of the all-peaceable
Servant of God
Sword of Islam