Light of the eye
Light of the eye
The forgiver
The friend, Patron and helper
The guide, The way
The powerful
Servant of the withholder
Lord Murugan, Enemy of Shur
Home Lord
Servant of the witness, Slave of the witness
The responsive, The answerer
The merciful
The self-existing by whom all subsist
The glorified
The creator
Sai = Sai baba, Shivudu = Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva & Lord Krishna
Lord Rama, Young Rama
Lord Krishna, A protector of the earth, A king, An epithet of Krishna, An epithet of Shiva, Name of a nag
A name of Sai baba
King of the sage
Lord of life, Husband
Light of the right
Lamp, Light of the holy word
The subduer
The resurrector
The appraiser
The rich, The independent
The magnificent
The protector
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
The firm one, The authoritative
Distinction of the religion
God given God gifted
The knower of all
Gold flower
Servant of the most merciful
Servant of the manifest
Life of Muhammad
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Flower name
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
The supreme one
The expediter
Servant of the everlasting, Slave of the eternal
Spokesman of religion
Young jewel, Small jewel
Bounty of Lord
Lord Murugan, Vishnus nephew
The all-aware
Lord Ram named rock
One who lives with remembrance of God
Indra devta
Owner of the kingdom
Holy prophet
Knowledge bestower
Unblemished, Clear
Great (Man) of the religion
The hearer of all
The forebearing
The bringer of death
The perceiver, The finder, The unfailing
Slave of the one who gives life and sustains it
Old Arabic name, Worship
Glory of the faith
The generous
Satisfied, Content
The all-praised, The praiseworthy
Servant of the all seeing
The gentle, The knower of subtleties
Most radiant
Lamp of the right
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Embodiment of peace
The holy, The divine, The pure, The purifier
Spread the NamesSpread the Names
Embodiment of truth and beauty
Light of the most gracious (Allah)
Temple of the true God of heaven
The truth
One who answers prayers and rewards good deeds
Lord Rama, God, Supreme spirit, Charming
One who always acts rightly
Beautiful lamp
Doing service
One whose abode is peace
The enricher
Imbued in colour of Love of God
The light of the battlefield
Gurus justice
The all-seeing
Glory of kingdom, State
The patient one
The bestower
The constrictor
Servant of the self-sustaining